Famous Quotes from ...
Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Brief is life but love is long.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- The woman is so hard upon the woman... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- No life that breathes with human breath has ever truly longed for death... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- The voice of the dead was a living voice to me.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Like glimpses of forgotten dreams.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Oh that it were possible, After long grief and pain, To find the arms of my true love, Around me once again... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Into the jaws of death,/ Into the mouth of hell/ Rode the six hundred.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- O hard, when love and duty clash!... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Love is of the valley, come thou down/ And find him.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- To love one maiden only, cleave to her,/ And worship her by years of noble deeds,/ Until they won her.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Ring in the love of truth and right,Ring in the common love of good.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Love is the only gold.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}
- Men at most differ as Heaven and Earth, but women, worst and best, as Heaven and Hell.... Alfred Lord Tennyson {view}