Famous Quotes from ...
Mackenzie Garcia
- "Lovee iss likee aa toyy. It'ss everyy littlee kidss dreamm too havee, butt nott everyy littlee kidd cann havee itt. Thee onlyy littlee kidss thatt cann havee itt aree thee oness whoo don'tt realizee whatt they'vee alreadyy gott itt."{{I LoveYou!!!!}}... Mackenzie Garcia {view}
- "Most people think they have found their true love when they have accomplished a lonqq-lastinqq relationship, but the TRUTH is that yhu won'tt know who yhu're true love is until "He" sends yhu a siqnn...... Mackenzie Garcia {view}
- I'm sorry for leavinqq yhu, andd I'm sorry for hurtinqq yhu, but ONE thinqq I'm NOT sorry for...is lovinqq yhu...... Mackenzie Garcia {view}