Famous Quotes from ...
Maurice Spees
- How can we keep on destroying the things that are given to us for free, replacing them with things that we have to pay for, and are unhealthy?... Maurice Spees {view}
- The economy is a fairytale I do not believe in... All people that were once humans are acting so weird in it. It's like they are possessed by some kind of spell, of which only a huge crash can release them... And so they live happily ever after...... Maurice Spees {view}
- Eventually everyone that still thinks they own something, like television, countries or anything else will fall down.... It's already written, in time we're just waiting to strike that moment....... Maurice Spees {view}
- When we distinguish the artificial from the natural, where the artificial is that which has been brought into being by human consciousness or a human mind. We directly prove that mind and consciousness exists outside of this nature and so also outside of our bodies! So what are scientist still arguing about?... Maurice Spees {view}