Famous Quotes from ...
Nishi De Silva
- Yes I am doing it and for the very first time I feel that I am truly loved :-)... Nishi De Silva {view}
- This is a sanctuary to drop all the hard feelings and to get relieved.I feel that I'm living on this,I'm dying on this,I have a reason to live just as other people do.I began to love myself than I have ever done before.That is the most important feeling I have ever had.Love yourself for the very first time,then you will feel how much you can love the whole world in front of you.... Nishi De Silva {view}
- You will hear the birds' songs, only when you listen to it.You will learn everything, only when you want to learn it.You will find anything, only when you want to search for it.You will see the beauty, only when you want to see it.You will feel the life, only when you want to live.But,You will understand true love,only when you are helpless.... Nishi De Silva {view}
- I Am YoUr FluorescenCe AnD yOu Are MY QuEnChEr In ThE sEnSe Of ExciTed StATe ReActIonS.HiDe Me In YOu At HiGH pReSSure AnD teMpeRaturE...Be WiTh Me aNd NeVeR RelEaSe Me No MaTTer whatever HAPPENS...... Nishi De Silva {view}
- LoVe Is ALwayS PaTiEnT AND KinD..It iS NevEr JeAlouS..LoVe Is neVer BoastFul Nor ConceDed..It iS NeveR Rude Or SelFisH..It dOeS Not TaKE OffeNcE anD It iS not ReseNtful..LovE TakeS No plEaSure in other PeoplE's sense But DelightS in The trUth..It iS alWays ReaDy to ExcuSe to TRUST to HOPE and to ENDURE whatever comes....... Nishi De Silva {view}
- Trust the one who is with you when you are in need of him, but the one who just advices and goes away. Love the one who loves you when you are in need of it,but the one who loves you when you feel you are perfect. Because, it is not either love or friendship it is just opportunism.... Nishi De Silva {view}
- There are some facts we cannot explain by scientific methods such as life time bondage between mother and child.... Nishi De Silva {view}
- Family is the most precious thing I ever have.Because,they are the people who worry about me in my sorrow.So,though I cannot feel happiness of my own life,I would be living for my family,for their happiness until my death.... Nishi De Silva {view}