Famous Quotes from ...
Oliver Goldsmith
- I chose my wife, as she did her wedding gown, for qualities that would wear well... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- Our pleasures are short, and can only charm at intervals; love is a method of protraction our greatest pleasure.... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- As for murmurs, mother, we grumble a little now and then, to be sure. But there's no love lost between us.... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- When lovely woman stoops to folly, and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy, what art can wash her guilt away?... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- To the last moment of his breath, On hope the wretch relies; And even the pang preceding death bids expectation rise... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- I do not love a man who is zealous for nothing... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- It seemed to me pretty plain, that they had more of love than matrimony in them.... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- The bashful virgin's side-long looks of love,/ The matron's glance that would those looks reprove.... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- Romance and novel paint beauty in colors more charming than nature, and describe a happiness that humans never taste. How deceptive and destructive are those pictures of consummate bliss!... Oliver Goldsmith {view}
- By the living jingo, she was all of a muck of sweat.... Oliver Goldsmith {view}