Famous Quotes from ...
Steven Fowler
- Owning land in the UK equates to looking after the states property at your own expense. You're free to do virtually nothing with it other than waste your money buying and maintaining it!... Steven Fowler {view}
- You're born a burden, live burdened, and die a burden.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Depression catches everyone who lives long enough to be caught.... Steven Fowler {view}
- I do have friends, but only the friends who live in Nigeria and have lost both parents and need the money to buy a bicycle to get to college on, ever bother to e-mail me.... Steven Fowler {view}
- It tends to be the penniless who think money is for sharing.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Sport is natures way of paciying idiots.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Life is a very persuasive advertisement for death.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Death is gentle - death is bliss; as soft and delicate as a kiss. There's no mythical monsters when you go; none above and none below. There's just eternal peace and deepest sleep; without a whisper or a peep.... Steven Fowler {view}
- People who think the television, the telephone or the internet are the best inventions ever, need to try living without a toilet for a while.... Steven Fowler {view}
- When we refer to books we more often get advice from the well-educated and honest, when we refer to the internet we more often get advice from the uneducated and liars.... Steven Fowler {view}
- If MP's had udders, they'd milk each other to death.... Steven Fowler {view}
- We should take death as casually as we take birth; it's life that's hard to take.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Was America really founded on Middle Eastern lies, and if it was, isn't it about time it was refounded on Western science fact?... Steven Fowler {view}
- Lectures fill your head with other peoples ideas and silence fills it with your own.... Steven Fowler {view}
- The important lessons are taught by life outside the education system, not by dictating teachers obsessed with religion and Shakespeare.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Evolution is too important not to be the root, the trunk and the canopy of popular culture. And too significant not to be the foundation, the cement and the structure of civilization. And too fundamental and essential for life not to be at the very core of global education.... Steven Fowler {view}
- What I like about people who hate me, is their secret love for me.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Money is the root of all religion... Steven Fowler {view}
- Religion contributes little more to society than to inconvenience the general public with a succession of pointless annual celebrations, and to subject entire nations to a perpetual string of depressing bank holiday shutdowns.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Sometimes love is deaf, dumb, and blind.... Steven Fowler {view}
- A long life comes at the high price of watching the short-lived die.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Live for the present; the past has gone; and the future can only be guessed.... Steven Fowler {view}
- I estimate, about one in a hundred people who say they love their partners, actually do, and the other ninety nine are just saying it to keep the peace whilst they wait in hope of love.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Miserable, moody, grim people, are happy, jolly, joyful people, who simply haven't found love yet.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Love is more accurately measured by pain of absence than by pleasure of company.... Steven Fowler {view}
- One hundred percent of problems belong to the living and zero percent to the dead.... Steven Fowler {view}
- Lovers tiffs are like cancer cells, too many make your love life terminally ill.... Steven Fowler {view}