Famous Quotes from ...
Tobey Maguire
- I love exploring psychology and getting inside someone's head or exploring the dynamics of how couples behave, and I would love to continue finding projects where I have the chance to address those kinds of issues. And sometimes there are going to be moments in my life where I will probably want to play some wild or sick character just to shake things up. I can't just be that nice, reserved guy all the time!... Tobey Maguire {view}
- I think women have the advantage over men - they tend to be much more in touch with their feelings and understand the dynamics of how relationships work. Men are much more cold-blooded and less willing to explore what makes a marriage or a relationship work. We like to deal in results and women are interested primarily in the process of the relationship, the little things which are actually the basics of how men and women interact.... Tobey Maguire {view}