Famous Quotes from ...
Tom McClintock
- Can't you see that marriage is a fundamentally different institution?... Tom McClintock {view}
- The reason marriage is fundamentally different from a civil contract is that marriage is formed for a fundamental purpose that is to bring a new life into the world.... Tom McClintock {view}
- I believe that free and civilized societies do not hold prisoners incommunicado,... Tom McClintock {view}
- breaks the social compact that gives government its legitimacy. ... It used to be that if a widow didn't want to sell her home to a developer, she didn't have to. ... The government was there to protect her. Now government has become the thug.... Tom McClintock {view}
- Proposition 54 simply says that our government has got to stop classifying us by race, ... It doesn't matter what race you are. The government should treat everyone exactly the same.... Tom McClintock {view}