- Well--all things turn bitter in the endwhether you choose the right orthe left wayand--dreams are not a bad thing.... William Carlos Williams {view}
- No woman is virtuous, who does not give herself to her lover... William Carlos Williams {view}
- Who shall say I am notthe happy genius of my household?... William Carlos Williams {view}
- At ten a.m. the young housewifemoves about in negligee behindthe wooden walls of her husband's house.I pass solitary in my car.... William Carlos Williams {view}
- It was the love of love,the love that swallows up all else,a grateful love,a love of nature, of people,of animals,a love engenderinggentleness and goodnessthat moved meand that I saw in you.... William Carlos Williams {view}
- The business of love iscruelty which,by our wills,we transformto live together.... William Carlos Williams {view}
- Night is a room darkened for lovers. . . .... William Carlos Williams {view}