Famous Quotes from ...


  • It's not about focusing on social skills instead of education, instead it's about focusing on the whole child.... talk2yourbaby {view}
  • Nurturing Nature is about taking something that we all have (a brain!) and exercising it to it's full potential.... talk2yourbaby {view}
  • Teaching a child to read, is like teaching someone a different language. You understand that they are smart, they just don't speak your language... talk2yourbaby {view}
  • Knowledge doesn't care about DNA, income or social status; it is found only by those who seek it.... talk2yourbaby {view}
  • Everyone is intelligent and is able to learn anything with the right teacher.... talk2yourbaby {view}
  • We all understand that we must exercise in order the build and strengthen every muscle in our body, Yet, when it comes to our brain which is a muscle we think that it's all DNA.... talk2yourbaby {view}